Matthew Back With A Winning Team – Futsal Week 21 Season 3
We finish the half term with the usual mini tournament. After a great few weeks of futsal, the coaches expectations were very high!
The teams were as follows:
Red Team – Matthew, Leon, Kim, Ellen and Abbi
Yellow Team – Coach Suzy, James G, Sam, Matilde and Phoebe
Blue Team – Coach Chris, Harley, Owen, Kacper and Reece
Orange Team – Mr Foster, Abbi, Dan, James and Izac
The games were 10 minutes straight through with the only new rule being the same goalscoring couldn’t score twice in a row. After some fantastic matches we had enough time to run through again, so this time we played some very frantic 2 minute games, in which the first goal was pretty much the winner.
Click here to see some images from tonight’s session
After all the results had been toted up Matthews team came out as winners, Coach Chris’s team as runners-up, Coach Suzy’s team next and finally, with the wooden spoon, came Mr Foster’s Team.
Top players of the day were Coach Suzy with her inspired goalkeeping, that kept her team in the contest. Top goalscoring was Dan, with some brilliant finishing and top outfield player went to Owen, for covering pretty much all of the court at least twice!
Well what a half term it has been. The players have really moved on their futsal knowledge and some of the play we are getting is brilliant. Thank you to each and every one of the players for all their hard work, they were all rewarded with a celebratory Easter Egg.
Have a great Easter and we will see all back on Monday 9 April for the new half term!
Team of the week – Matthew – His team played some fantastic futsal and were worthy winners of the round robin tournament today. Well played and watch out as everyone will be after that top spot next time!