So Good To Be Back, Again! – Bootham Futsal Club Week 5 – Season 4

Well, after what seems like forever we were finally back playing futsal. It was so good to see everyone and the smiles made it even more amazing.
We also had a new player, welcome to Sophia or Fifi – we hope you had a fab time and hope to see you again very soon. Coaches Chris and Suzy especially loved the shirt!
We decided both sessions were just going to be games, games and more games! The first group was split into 3 teams and they had a mini tournament with various rules in each game. The best fun was the last game were the blues were shooting in one end, the reds in the other and the light blues in both! Chaos, goals and utter madness ensued! The first hour flew by and by the looks on the girls’ faces they didn’t want to stop either. We can’t wait until next week….

Click here to see all the pictures from the session
We were short on numbers with the older group due to illness, injury and other commitments, but the girls who did turn up played some fantastic futsal. This wasn’t helped by the poor goalkeeping of coaches Chris and Suzy, who, lets be honest, were shocking! Sorry girls. We challenged the girls with some two touch games and one touch finishing which saw some brilliant passing and movement from all involved. Considering some of these girls hadn’t played futsal since the end of last year, we were staggered by their commitment and ability, fab to watch. Roll on next week…

A huge thank you to all the amazing parents for bringing your daughters back after the latest lockdown. We had a long think about if the club had a future, and it is amazing to say after this weekend, the support and commitment from everyone is as strong as before. From the very bottom of our hearts, thank you so very, very much.
Player of the week for the younger group was Florence – She looked like she had been playing futsal for years! Quick, skilful and just loved a tackle, absolutely brilliant to watch. Well done Florence!
Player of the week for the older group was Katie – Her power, physicality and running with the ball was amazing, she really has come back strong! Fantatsic to watch and a couple of really well taken goals also. Top marks, Katie!