When One Defibrillator Is Not Enough!

Wow, wow, wow!!! The amazing news is that after only 3 weeks of fundraising the club is now the proud own of an IPAD CU-SP1 Auto Defibrillator. It is a very weird feeling looking at this device, knowing how much it cost and hoping we never have to use it.
The defibrillator has been registered on the The Circuit – The National Defibrillator Network, which connects defibrillators to NHS ambulance services across the UK so that in those crucial moments after a cardiac arrest, they can be accessed quickly to help save lives. For more information on The Circuit, please click here!
I can not describe in words the amazing support we have received from players, parents and friends of the club, who have dug very deep to fund this project. You are all simply amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
So, we had a chat about what to do next, as money is still coming in! We have decided to keep raising money to buy ANOTHER defibrillator, which we will donate to another organisation of the clubs choice. We want the girls or parents to nominate who they would like the second defibrillator to go to? It can be a school, sports club or voluntary organisation. We will then reduce this list to 3 names and get everyone to vote. First suggestion comes from Suzy, who has asked for her primary school, Clifton Green to be chosen.
The day after we made this decision, we were contacted by London Hearts, a charity that helps provide defibrillators throughout the UK. They have offered to help us purchase this second defibrillator at a reduce price. They also offer online tutoring on the use of a defibrillator, which we will be discussing with them. For more information on London Hearts, please click here!
The new target is £2000
Easy – not at all; doable – definitely with the amazing people we have associated with this club. I hope your daughters fund raising is going well? Please remember every single penny really does make a difference. The prize pot is growing daily – this morning Junior Roberti from York Futsal Club has donate a players shirt and family ticket for one of their home games!
I have managed, somehow to complete all my daily runs, with several mishaps. You catch watch my daily update videos here if you want to find out more, click here to see how bad I look after each run:
I know I am asking a lot of people, especially at these very hard times, but if we can save one live with these devices then every single penny has been worth it. Every time I set off for a run, this is exactly what I tell myself…
Stay safe everyone, you are all the very best,
Chairman/Head Coach