When Are Four Goals Not Enough? – Futsal Week 9 – Season 2
The girls started their session with a game of noughts and crosses! The players take it in turns to run across the court and place their coloured cones over a set of 9 white cones laid out in 3 rows of 3. It seems an easy game until players have the pressure of working as a team and the run back and forwards – mistakes are common and much debate as to ‘why you missed that one!’
They progressed onto a challenge where they had to dribble a ball into a square and then drive the ball across the court and knock off 3 balls balanced on cones on the opposite side. The winners were the team that knocked off all three of their balls! Great fun with lots of competition and the odd bit of cheating.
They finished with a four goal match in which the bibs of Coach Suzy, Zoe, Abbi and Kim stole the show with a dominate 7-2 win. Goal of the night went to Abbi with a wonder strike.
Girls’ player of the week – Kimberly – her hard running and ferocious tackling, especially on Mr Foster, was brilliant to watch, great attitude from the start, well done Kim!
Click here to see some images from this weeks futsal session at Manor CE Academy
The boys’ warm up included movement around the court, getting into various numbers i.e. 2s, 3s and piggybacks, and then changing partners, which always lead to plenty of mismatches!
They also did the target practise with the boys finding it hard work – work needed on their accuracy and patience when driving the ball.
We then progressed to a passing square, where one team worked the ball from one side to the other, whilst the other team went from the adjacent side to the other using their own ball. This was progressed onto using only one ball, and when the ball was played to the outside player, he changed places with the player that passed the ball.
The boys’ final match was also a four goal game but they struggled to switch ball quickly from side to side, and goals were hard to come by!
Boys’ player of the week – Kaan – one of the players from the very first futsal session, he has improved so much and always has a smile on his face, never gives up and scores the odd couple of goals, top work Kaan!
We are always looking for new members! Why not come along and have a go at this fast paced, fun indoor sport?