Game Time! – Bootham Futsal Club Week 9 – Season 4

Last session of the block, so we asked the girls to show us what they have leant in the previous 5 weeks.
We also had another new young coach come down and see what we are all about – well done, Rueben, and thank you for coming down, and yes, he is Jean’s very, very tall brother!
The first group were split into 3 teams and we played full court games with various restrictions. First game was normal futsal rules but with a one touch finish. It was brilliant to see the girls get near the goal and then look for a pass. Well done to the Reds for some fantastic passing and great finishing. In the second game we changed the rule so you could only score in the D, making the players get close to the goal before shooting. The final game saw all 3 teams on the court at once but you could score in any goal.
Considering most of these girls hadn’t played futsal before, or had only had the previous 4 session in a whole year, the standard and understanding are way beyond what we expected. Fab group, with some real characters, we loved every minute of this block!

Click here to see all the pictures from the session
The older group started with a 2v1 recovery game, in which we encouraged the attackers to get beyond the defender. This progressed to a 2v2 game, asking the attackers to be very positive with their first touch. Then we moved this on to a full court 3v3 with rolling groups. This is hard work as the play changes very quickly. We finished with a game in which the players could not cross an imaginary line down the middle of the court but the ball could. We have coached this game many times and today was the best we have ever seen from a group – only once in the whole time did anyone cross the middle.

Huge well done to Katie H for moving up to the older age group, you did fab and all the coaches were impressed by your attitude and work rate, keep it up!
The last 5 weeks have flown by, and the club has grown faster than ever before. We owe so much to all the parents for sacrificing their time on a Sunday morning. It was so good to see them back in the hall supporting their daughters this morning, we have missed you all. So, two weeks off, and we are back on Sunday 13 June for the last block of the season. Have a fab half term, stay safe and see all you soon.