Don’t Kick It Out! – Bootham Futsal Club Week 8 – Season 4

Another week of fab futsal and the girls are really starting to show some fantastic futsal skills.
We had another player come and try futsal, welcome to Livia – we hope you had a fab time and hope to see you again very soon. We also had a new young coach come down and see what we are all about – well done, Lizzie, and thank you for coming down.
We started the younger group with some passing and ball control, really hammering the sole of the foot control. We moved this on to some 1v1’s across the whole court. So many players beginning to trust the bottom of their foot for control, it is fantastic to watch. We finished with a game in which players were penalised for kicking the ball out of play on purpose. We emphasised keeping the ball in play as much as possible, and being confident in possession. Some fab platform an ever expanding group – well played everyone!

Click here to see all the pictures from the session
The second hour started with a great warm up from Paul with players working in some 3v3 into 1 goal. We moved this on to 2 games across the court in which players played into an end one. This was to introduce the idea of a pivot player. The same theme was used in the final game, with no goalkeepers, with players encouraged to get high and into the D before receiving the ball. There are some seriously good futsal players in this group, and we saw the best futsal of the season today, so far!

Don’t forget, we have been asked to play Hull Futsal away on Sunday 27 June. Can all parents please let me now if they are available to play?
Player of the week for the younger group was Martha – She joined us from a spell of playing futsal in Tenerife, and it clearly shows. Her first touch and movement are excellent and today she scored some fantastic goals to add to her game. Well played, Martha, I’m sure we have only seen the start of what you can achieve!
Player of the week for the older group was Heather – What can we say about this young lady, well, she is a serious talent! New to the game of futsal, her skill and ability on the ball is as good as anyone’s in the group. She can also strike a ball better than most females I know. This young lady has a serious future in either football or futsal, but we hope it is futsal! Awesome performance, well done, Heather!