I Dropped My Bib, Where? – Bootham Futsal Club Week 07
Unfortunately Coach Chris was delayed on his journey back from Grimsby Town after his U13 York City Academy game, so Coach Suzy stepped in and took the first group.
Click here to download a copy of this week’s session plan for the Under 12s
After a warm up of noughts and crosses, she started by playing a 4v4 game with helpers Katie and Kim in goal, where the team could only score if all the players were in the opposition’s half. The girls really worked hard to support the player with the ball and we saw some great forward runs during this session.
Click here to see some images from this week’s sessions
Coach Chris arrived and we he worked with the girls on a recovery game. We made the court smaller and gave each girl a bib to hold that matched the bib they were wearing. When they had completed a pass, they dropped their bib – when all their team had dropped their bibs they could go and score. If they lost the ball, they had to go and pick up a bib before they could tackle the opposition.
Neither of these games are easy, but every single girl gave 100% and worked really hard, we were all so impressed.
The second group started with a 2v1 warm up, with Coach Chris being the goalkeeper. The girls worked on their angles of support runs – trying not to always run in a straight line and running in front of and behind the defender. We also worked with the defender on delaying the attackers as long as possible, but making sure at some point they had to press the ball.
Click here to download a copy of this week’s session plan for the Over 12s
We then did the same game as the first group with the bibs, but we played it over the whole court. After several minutes, we had a chat about how they could make the game easier, where could they drop the bibs to make recovery of them easier?
We finished with a game in which Coach Suzy and Coach Chris took charge of a team each. We asked the girls to try to get behind the opposition when in possession, can they make the court as big as possible?
Another fantastic session at Bootham Futsal Club, the girls are really starting to show their futsal skills and game play, brilliant to watch. We still have a few places available, the first session is FREE, so why not come and give it a go?
Player of the week for the Under 11s was Faith. She has only been coming 2 weeks, but pretty much every time she uses the sole of her foot to control the ball and she never stood still, always looking to find space! Great start Faith, keep it going!
Player of the week for the Over 12s was Freya. She is by far the youngest member of the second group and we had challenged her to be more involved. Well, what a response, she ran all over the court, great tackles and scored a couple of fantastic goals. We can’t ask anymore!