I See A Break On The Horizon… – Bootham Futsal Club Week 34 – Season 2
This was the last session before the half term break, and yet another hot day in the sports hall.
As is our tradition, the younger group finished this block of coaching with lots games. The girls were split into 3 teams and asked to show what they have learnt over the previous weeks. They played 6 minute games with various restrictions i.e. one touch finish, only score in the D etc.
One thing that really stood out was the way the girls were actively looking to pass the ball to teammates, especially when they saw them in space. Just look at a couple of the videos on Facebook, with Clare, Anna and Eva, setting the standard.
Click here to see the pictures from the session.
The older group worked on being patient in possession, not giving the ball away cheaply. This group want to score every time they get the ball, not a bad thing but not very realistic in a game.
We worked on 2v1s, 3v1s with and without recovering defender and finally a game based situation. We looked at keeping the width on the court and also trying to get behind the defence whenever possible. We talked about making sure the player in possession was able to see the feet of her teammates to be able to pass to her.
The girls worked really hard and we saw some very good play with several second post finishes and players being much more careful in possession, great to watch.
So we now have a break for 1 week, both groups are back on Friday 7th June from 6pm to 7pm for the younger group and 7pm to 8pm for the older. We hope everyone has a nice rest and we look forward to seeing you all again for the last block of coaching in the season. Thank you for your amazing support.