It Just Keeps Getting Better! – Bootham Futsal Club – Week 04 – Season 6

This morning we had probably the best session every! The energy from the first group, the understanding from the second and finally the game play from the last. All the coaches commented on how much they had enjoyed the day, so a huge thank you to all the girls!
We had one new player come and try futsal for the first time – welcome Evie, we hope you had fun and we look forward to seeing you again very soon!
The first group worked on their energy about the court, making sure they never stood still, especially after they had passed the ball. They were brilliant, such huge smiles and 110% effort in everything they did! The second group continued their work on dualities and we saw a continued improvement on last week, with some real break-though moments for so many players. The last group concentrated on their match play, with a huge emphasis on recovery and being patient in possession. They played some of the best futsal they had done in a very long time, fantastic to watch!

Click here to see all the pictures from the session
Player of the week for the first hour was Rosie D – she is a very new player to futsal, playing with a constant smile on her face and today we was a total live-wire. She never once stopped running, but best of all she was almost 100% sole of the foot control. Fab day, well done Rosie!
Player of the week for the second hour was Molly G – we knew this player was good, but today she was fantastic! In the session she was very bright with her play but in the matches she smashed 4 toe-poke finishes in a row, and boy they were rockets! Great day Molly!
Player of the week for the third hour was Esmee R – a player who we have watched closely for a while and today she was right on her game. Her movement, control and aggression to win the ball were as good as anyone on the court. One we hope wants to progress to the ladies team, awesome Esmee!

Final thoughts of a coach – I had a conversation recently with another coach about content in a training sessions – lets just say, we have a much different opinion! He is a very serious coach, demands attention and discipline, players are at his sessions to work. I argued that if the players are laughing and smiling they are more likely to learn. He disagreed and said his players are there to learn, not to have fun, we were not going to agree. I guess the answer lies in the philosophy of the coach/club – ours/mine are to keep females involved in sports for as long as possible…nuff said!