Moms’ Team Was Robbed…Honest! – Week 29 – Season 6
On Sunday we held our annual mixed fun futsal tournament. All the teams are made up of every age group, with emphasis on everyone having fun – it is definitely not serious! It is very important for the younger members of the club to meet and see the older ones play, it really does create a fantastic atmosphere within the whole club.
The weather stayed perfect and over 50 girls, associated others, played 2 hours worth of games. Huge thank you to all the captains – Hannah, Katie, Ava, Freya, Clare, Emily-Sue, Erin and Anna for looking after all their teams, especially the little ones!
The overall winners were Ava and her team of Poppy, Jean, Jessica, Amie and Ivy, but the Moms’ team are still wondering what happened to their results…unbeaten all day and still finished near the middle of the league….that would never happen in a FIFA tournament….
Have a look at the pictures below to see the fantastic support we received from players and parents on the day:
Thank you to all the players and parents for their help in setting up and clearing away afterwards, and thank you to Abi for being a top timekeeper and scorer keeper…did the Moms really not win?
So next week is the presentation day – a bit of indoor golf and 10 pin bowling and then that’s it for this season, where has all the time gone…?!
Have a good week and see everyone on Sunday for one last time this season!