My Futsal Journey – Katie

Hi, my name is Katie and I love to play futsal. Five years ago, I started playing at Manor Futsal Club and I have just finished my final year at Bootham Girls Futsal Club – York.
Even before hearing about futsal, from aged 10, I played as a goalkeeper in a grassroots football team. There were matches I would not touch the ball so didn’t feel I was involved in the game. Being a goalkeeper in futsal is a completely different experience. During futsal matches and tournaments I was always involved, whether it was going up for corners or being that extra option for my teammates to pass to. There is never a moment where a futsal goalkeeper is not involved in the game, which is why I love futsal.
Going forward, I will be helping out with the U10s and U12s at Bootham Futsal Club. It is a pleasure to be able to see these girls grow in confidence and just enjoying the game.
Later this year I am hoping to continue playing for York Futsal Ladies Team in the Women’s Northern Futsal League, and will soon be taking my FA Futsal Level 1 Coaching Badge.
By Katie, aged 16
We currently have spaces in each of our age groups, from U10s to U16s, and we are also looking to start an U8 group. If you are interested in having a FREE go at futsal, in one of the fastest growing indoor sports in the world, please contact Chris on or call 07720 441953.