Pro Coaching Academy New Kit Arrives!
The brand new kit for the girls of Pro Coaching Academy has arrived! When they qualified for the finals of the FA People’s Cup the coaches decided it would be a nice reward to get them a new kit to play in!
The girls travel to Sheffield early on Sunday morning, with the tournament for the U14 girls starting at 10.00am. Needless to say, everyone is now starting to think about it and the excitement is growing. The competition is 5 a side with rolling substitutions and the ball is pretty much constantly in play due to the sides of the arena. Each match is one half of 15 minutes, which doesn’t seem a long time but with the game hardly stopping, it’s going to be very hard work.
Check back after the weekend to read how the girls got on!
How about posting some good luck messages for the girls on here? Let us know what you want to say?