What Next For Coach Chris & Pro Coaching Academy?
Pro Coaching Academy were delighted to hear that head coach Chris Collins has been accepted on the FA Futsal UEFA B training course. The course starts this Saturday at St George’s Park, the home of the Football Association. It will involve 8 training days at St George’s over the next 8 months, as well as 3 regional meetings with other futsal coaches.
In conversation with Chris he said, ‘It is amazing to get on this course, especially being so close to the end of my UEFA B Football course. Futsal is such an exciting sport and the chance to learn alongside some of the best coaches in the UK was too good an opportunity to pass up. I know it is going to be very hard and my futsal journey really does start now.’
Asking about the UEFA B in Football he said, ‘I have completed all the course work and training days, I am just waiting for the FA to come and observe me coach, and, hopefully, sign me off.’
Finally we asked what was on the horizon for Pro Coaching Academy this season, he replied, ‘We have some amazing news coming very shortly about girls’ futsal in the York area, I really can’t wait to announce this, watch this space! We start back at Manor CE Academy next Monday and for the first time we are awarding free places to boys and girls. We also have an internal futsal cup for the school and are speaking to other schools about regular matches. Finally, we have already confirmed 2 guest coaches for the forthcoming year.’
Remember all this is on top of supporting Rawcliffe Girls U15s and coaching at York City Category 3 Football Academy. We think its safe to say it is going to be a very busy year for Pro Coaching Academy and especially head coach Chris!