Wow, How Many? – Futsal Week 1 Season 3

Well, week 1 of the new season at Manor Futsal Club was a huge success. We had 30 pupils from years 7, 8 and 9, with a nice mix of boys and girls attending. This is the highest number of pupils we have ever had at any of the futsal sessions we have coached at any location! Futsal is definitely on the up!
We started by getting the players into small groups of 3 and 4, and with one ball, using the whole court, get one player to keep the ball off the other players. Mayhem ensued in the gym, kids running every which way. We then progressed this to passing the ball around the gym using futsal control when receiving the ball, and emphasis on the quality of the pass. Those who found this easy were challenged to control the ball with one foot and pass with the other.
Click here to see some of the images from the madness at tonight’s session
We moved onto doing some 2v1 in small areas across the whole of the gym, getting the players to exploit the space behind the defender. It was great to see the techniques the players showed tonight, some real talent on display.
Click here for a short video clip from last night
Finally we split the players up into 5 teams, with one team of Allstars – made up of coaches and higher year helpers, thank you Katie and Matt – and played some round robin matches of 5 minutes each. This enabled us to highlight rules of futsal as and when they became apparent.
It was brilliant to be back, and what a great start. Next week, with the lucky 16 we can start the coaching properly. Thank you to everyone who came, we hope you had fun and can’t wait to see you again.
Don’t miss out, we only have 16 places available going forward, and half have already been snapped up!