Largest Numbers, Ever! – Bootham Futsal Club Week 3 – Season 2
Wow, we had the largest number of players, ever, at a Bootham Futsal Club training session. We have been blown away by the amazing support from everyone involved, thank you just doesn’t cover it!
The first group carried on from last weeks session, looking after the ball, using their body to shield the ball and stay strong, trying very hard not to move! The girls have improved loads since we started trying this, and its great to watch the individual ‘fights’ that go on!
The court was then split into 2 halves with 2 gates linking these halves together. If the girls could safely travel from one side to the other, keeping the ball under control, through one of these gates, they scored 5 points. But, if the lost possession of the ball and it went out go play, they lost all their points! Not as easy as it sounds!
We finished with a normal game with a slight twist. On the court were 8 balls standing on cones. If, during the match, you knocked one of the balls off the cones, you had to stop playing and put it back on. This gave the opposition an extra player for a short time, and it also makes the players slow down and get their heads up.
Click here to see some images from this week’s sessions
The second group started with a warm up shown to Coach Chris by the England Futsal team at St George’s Park. Needless to say the girls loved it – pity some are still trying to remember which is their left and right foot…Chloe!
The main part of the session was playing into a target player in an end zone, a type of pivot. The girls were split into 4 teams of 4 and 2 games were played across the sports hall. The object was to get the ball into their pivot player in the end zone. The player that passed the ball, swapped with the pivot player and the game restarted the other way. We talked about getting the ball into the pivot as early as possible by using the longest pass they could. We touched on defending the end zone and reduced touches for all players. Great play from all involved, and a great building block for future sessions.
We finished the session with some 5 minute games in which all players were limited to 2 touch. These games really show how far the players have come and pretty much everyone now looks comfortable on the ball, great to watch.
Well, another week, and another fantastic session by everyone involved. Have a great week and we will see you all on Sunday 23rd.
Player of the week for the First Hour was Amelia. She doesn’t say a lot but when she does, it really does matter! The photo in this week’s images shows what it means to every single player when they score, and for Amelia it is a jump with both arms in the air! Brilliant session, well done Amelia!
Player of the week for the Second Hour was Hannah. Since she started playing futsal, she has become much more confident when in possession, she no longer just kicks the ball away, but tries very hard to not put the ball out of play. Very impressed, keep going Hannah!