Recovery, What, Who Needs A Rest? – Futsal Week 16 – Season 2
We had another great session at Manor Futsal Club last night. The girls started with a warm up in which they dribbled an individual ball around the court, until Coach Suzy asked one of the players to show them all a skill or technique, which they then all copied. There were some great examples of individual skills on show, great to watch.
They progressed into a finishing session, in which each team started behind a goal and chose how many to attack the other goal with, the defenders then matched them up. If they scored they continued with another ball, if they missed, they swapped round and became defenders. Top striker on the night was definitely Ruby.
In the final match, it was another close game with defences being on top, Kim and Zoe both defending brilliantly, until the end, when Ruby scored two individual goals.
Girls’ player of the week – Ruby – she was away from futsal last half term but has come back better than ever and her shooting is brilliant to watch, top striker Ruby!
Click here to see some images from this weeks futsal session at Manor CE Academy
The boys’ warm up started with the balls spread around the court and all the players in the centre circle. On the word go they had to run and collect a ball and get back to the centre circle as quick as possible. They were given specific instructions on how to bring the ball back – using only their left foot, keeping the ball off the ground, etc. Top dribbler was definitely Oli, good use of both feet.
The main session was a good old favourite, attacking and recovery drill. One player attacks one goal unopposed from one end of the court, after he scores or misses, the opposition release a player to attack the other end, with the first player recovering to defend. This progresses onto 2v1, then 2v2, etc, until all the players are on the court. It is a real lung buster with plenty of support play forward and backwards. All the players really worked hard and Sam showed his pace on more than one occasion.
In the final match, the hard-working Aiden got the first goal, and his side never looked back, running out winners 6-2. Coach Suzy put a few challenges in place during the game, all your players must be in the opposition’s half before you can score and all players limited to 3 touches. The players really responded tonight and it was a great session to watch, well done to all!
Boys’ player of the week – Owen – after watching York City Futsal a week ago, he really improved his passing with quick simple, but accurate passing to move the ball quickly about the court, brilliant to watch and great that he saw this, top marks Owen!
The club has been allowed to put a notice board up on the main sports corridor at Manor CE Academy, so watch this space when we get all the graphics sorted – there will be a sneaky competition to win some prizes!