Shall We Do This All Again? – Week 01 – Season 7

So back for our 7th season – who would ever have imagined that! But best of all we had pretty much every single player want to come back for this new season!
We had two new girls come and try futsal for the first time – welcome Megan and Agatha – we hope you had fun and look forward to welcoming you again very soon!
The new season meant new ideas, and the first one to introduce was the Code of Conduct for the players. We talked through with each age group what it meant and why we were doing it. Players were asked to go home to read and understand what they were being asked to sign. Click the image below to read what it says:
The other new idea we introduced was the Age Group Syllabus’s. The coaches felt that by having a simple written syllabus, the players had something they could personally work towards over the coming season. Click each one below to see what they include:
The club is also moving away from Players of the Week awards and introducing Age Group Players of the Term. The thought was it gives the players a chance to improve over a longer period and not to feel under pressure to shine every week – we all have bad weeks! We will give shoutouts each week to players that have caught our eye mind!
With more news to come, and hopefully one big announcement imminent, cheeky back soon for more info.
As it was the first session back, after a few fun warmups we let the player just enjoy playing with no coaching or interventions at all – we all love a fun day back at the start of term! Next week, back to some coaching!

Final thoughts of a coach – If you said to me 6 years ago, I would be the Chairman of a club that is just about to start its 7th season, has over 70 girls from U8s to U16s and 20 ladies playing futsal regularly, and a team in a national futsal league, I honestly wouldn’t have believed you. The progress we have made it simply breathless.
I have no idea why we are seen as successful. Is it because everyone is welcome, regardless of ability? Is it because we have a pathway from the very beginning to hopefully playing in a national league? How about the medals, the photos, the selection boxes, and Easter Eggs? Is it the Honours Board that rewards the players commitment to their club? The list goes on…personally I would like to think it’s because we put the players front and centre of everything we do – simple really.
All I can say with certainty is that it is an absolute privilege each week to coach and help develop and grow these incredible young ladies.
Coach Chris.