We Got There In The End! – Futsal Week 33 Season 3
Well, we survived another year of futsal at Manor CE Academy! To be honest, all the coaches had a real blast this year and loved every minute of it.
In this year we have had 33 sessions, over 50 hours of coaching, 2 newly qualified futsal referees, over 20 players attending weekly, over 400 individual sessions attended and many laughs had by all!
We finished with the usual end of term tournament, in which the refereeing was at best, rubbish! It seemed Coach Chris was penalised every time he touched the ball! Matt’s team ran out winners, but the standard of futsal has improved hugely from the start of the year.
Click here to see some images from the last session of the year!
We had a few awards and thank you’s to hand out at the end of the session. Matilde and Owen were named as Players of the Year, see the separate post on this.
Mr Foster was thanked for all his help throughout the season. He really is vital in helping the sessions run smoothly, and has hardly missed any in the last 3 years. He is always collecting balls, bibs, moving goals and generally making the coaches life easier. Mind, for next season, we do need to get him a proper futsal shirt, so he can stop wearing that Tottenham one! Top man Mr Foster!
This was Kacper’s last session as he is leaving the school and moving back to Poland. He has been a fantastic player to coach and not a bad futsal goalkeeper. We are really sorry to see him leave, as his smile will be greatly missed, but hope he has a fantastic time back in Poland. We hope he is able to come back one day and visit. Good luck Kacper!
Matt was also thanked for his help since Christmas. A year 11 pupil who leaves Manor CE Academy to move to York College in September, was one of the very first players three years ago and this year has been a real help with the sessions. He is a real credit to the school and his parents, we have loved having him help out. Good luck in the next chapter of your life Matt!
So in the last three years, we have delivered just under 100 sessions to over 60 different players. When we started Manor Futsal Club, we had no idea we would still be going by the time we got to this stage. A huge thank you to the school for allowing us to continue, without them we would not even exist. Also a massive thank you to North Yorkshire Sport for the last 3 years of support and help, your expertise has been priceless!
Have a great summer, a well deserved break, and we will be back in September for another year of futsal, we can’t wait!