Work, Work, Work! – Bootham Futsal Club Week 02 – Season 5

After a fantastic first week back we couldn’t wait to see how the girls did this week!
We had a new player come and try Futsal for the first time – welcome Funmi, we hope you had fun and we look forward to seeing you again very soon!
The younger group worked on running with the ball through two different sets of cones and then a finish on goal. We talked about keeping your head up, using both feet, going at pace, hitting the target, rebounds and finally using a toe poke finish. There was some good play from this group with great finishing from Aria and Jessica, who both showed great feet when trying to score.
In the matches, if you scored you had to pick a cone up from one side of the court and place it on the other side of the court before you were back in play. This allowed the opposition an overload if they played quick enough. With 3 sides, it allows one side to have a rest while watching the other two. Top striker on the day was Emily, who looked calm and sure when in front of goal.
Player of the week for the younger group was Irma – Not only was she on fire with the dribbling and shooting but in the matches she was so determined in her tackling, no-one got past her! She even got hit in the chest by the ball, and simply shrugged it off and carried on. Top performance from one of the youngest players in the club, awesome Irma, simply amazing!

Click here to see all the pictures from the session
The older group worked on their movement and fitness about the court. They started with a simple recovery session involving keep ball, then some full court 2v2s with the winners staying on and finally in the matches if you scored, the scorer had to run round both goals before they were back in play.
To say all the sessions were testing would be an understatement. The girls ran hard from the first minute to the last, and not one of them complained, they gave us everything. Standout performance from Emily-Sue, Eleanor and Ava, who all ran until they nearly dropped. You know it has been hard when during the drinks breaks all you can hear is heavy breathing…
Player of the week for the older group was Mila – Since she moved up to the older group she has just got better and better. Mila is never rushed, she does everything in total calm, and very rarely gives the ball away. If we can just add goals to her game we have a total futsal player on our hands. Well done Mila!

The commitment from everyone today was amazing, we have never seen a group of young ladies work so hard, so constantly for a whole session. All the coaches were amazed and so proud of the performances. The future looks very bright for this club – the future is definately light blue!