When Two Touch Is Just Enough – Futsal Week 31 Season 3
With all the year 9s on a week-long school trip, we again had reduced numbers.
The coaches decided to go straight into some matches tonight, with emphasis on 2 touch play. The court had two target areas at each end. Both sides started on 2 touch, but if a player received a pass in their target zone, in front of the goal they were attacking, they unlocked unlimited touches.
This lead to games where one team was on 2 touch, but the other team had unlimited touches. It stayed this way until either both teams unlocked unlimited touches or a team scored. When a team scored the 2 touch rule started again.
Click here to see some images from tonight’s session
It took a while for the players to work out how to get a player into the target zone quickly, without trying to dribble the ball from their own half. Teams eventually sent a player into the target zone to act as a pivot to receive the ball, and then play it back. Great to watch and really good play from the teams.
It was yet another very hot night in the sports hall, but great attitude from all involved, see you all next week!
Girls’ player of the week – Matilde – She continues throughout the year to always give 100% in everything she does! Fantastic attitude and brilliant to watch, well done!
Boys’ player of the week – James H – He is another player who at the start of the year wanted to take 5 or more touches before passing the ball. Recently he has learnt to move the ball on quickly and hence be a much better futsal player!