Don’t Create Space…Again??!! – Week 04 – Season 8

With the game this afternoon for the U11/U12s we were expecting them to take it easy in the morning, but boy did they go for it in the first session, fantastic to watch.
After a week off with the U12s match in Leeds, coach Chris was back with more ideas on the approach. We introduced 2 more movements for the players to think about, a block on the defender and a cut before they got to their teammate. We talked about the quality of the pass, why it was key to being patient and allowing your teammate to support the action, and finally why all this had to be done at pace. This is a hard subject to get their heads around, but the players are really having a go, which is all as coaches we can ask. The outcomes are varied but the desire to learn is fantastic and we are making good progress in this block.

Session Plan
Players of the Week:
First Hour – Iris W – a fab performance today from Iris, she really has lost her fear and made some crunching tackles today, never once backing out of anything, fantastic to watch – top job Iris!
Second Hour – Imogen B – Another outstanding session from Imogen. Her movement with the approach was spot on – at pace and with desire, so good to watch – one of the best Imogen!
Third Hour – Olivia A – In a session where the goalkeepers were worked hard, Olivia never backed down once today, she stood up to everything that was thrown at her and made save after save after save – amazing Olivia!
Fourth Hour – Heidi J – Another goalkeeper on top form today, just like Olivia she stood up to everything thrown at her, and her bravery was stop on, top, top day Heidi!

Final Thoughts of a Coach…
I had an interesting conversation this week about how much money we MUST make running this club. OK, apart from laughing my head off and pointing out the general costs of renting the venues we use and pointing out that each of the ladies’ games cost us a minimum of £350 per game, I decided to turn the conversation round on the other person. I asked them if they wouldn’t mind helping out, not coaching, but helping to setting up the sports hall before we arrived, carry the kit bags after the session and general be another pair of hands….I think you know the answer….every excuse under the sun as to why they couldn’t help!
We run this club to give females of all ages an opportunity to play the game in a safe and inclusive environment – nothing more and definitely not for profit. We run games so players, if they want, can challenge themselves in a competitive environment. We give out prizes and rewards to help boost confidence in an individual, to recognise their efforts have been noticed. We give out Easter Eggs, Selection Boxes and other rewards throughout the season – why, because it is the right thing to do!
Each year Suzy and I give away one or two foundation places, for a family who would struggle to pay the fees – we pay this out of our own pockets!
I guess it annoys me when people feel you only do clubs like this for profit, to make some money on the side, when the thoughts are everything but….next time you think just about the money, ask yourself what else might be involved….
Coach Chris